Tag Archive | "Healthy Fundraising in Schools"

State’s junk food ban could take bite out of school fundraisers

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We were a little stunned when we saw an article that was posted on the Drudge Report. The story comes from the Boston Herald and it talks about how state regulations would negatively impact school fundraising efforts .. especially cookie dough fundraisers and bake sales.

The articles starts with:

The Departments of Public Health and Education contend clearing tables of even whole milk and white bread is necessary to combat an obesity epidemic affecting a third of the state’s 1.5 million students. But parents argue crudites won’t cut it when the bills come due on athletic equipment and band trips.

And that’s where the uproar begins. Parents complain that the state is dictating what their kids can eat and they apparently don’t like it one bit. It appears like the people most irritated are those that sell food for fundraisers.

“If you want to make a quick $250, you hold a bake sale,” said Sandy Malec, vice president of the Horace Mann Elementary School PTO in Newtonville.

Maura Dawley of Scituate said the candy bars her 15-year-old son brought to school to help pay for a youth group trip to Guatemala “sold like wildfire.” She worries the ban “would seriously affect the bottom line of the PTOs. “The goal is to raise money,” Dawley said. “You’re going to be able to sell pizza. You’re not going to get that selling apples and bananas. It’s silly.”

Food fundraisers have helped send the renowned Danvers High School Falcon Band to the Rose Bowl Parade in California and the 70th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor in Honolulu. Danvers Parents for Music Education sell fudge because “it still works,” said the group’s president, Matthew Desmond. “Even my wife will buy it.”

If you do not want your state or local government dictating what you and your family can eat and in turn determining what products you can and can’t sell to raise a little money you might want to be proactive and start talking to your representatives now. Because if you didn’t think this could happen to you this article might be an eye opener.

In our opinion there is a place and function for government but more and more often policy can get to the point where it appears and feels intrusive and has more far reaching effects that anticipated.

CLICK HERE for details on the top cookie dough fundraisers.

Healthy Fundraising in Schools


When you want to make a difference at your high school by doing something good for other people, you may have decided that holding a fundraising event is the best way to go. After all, it is a great way to raise money for the school or an outside charity, while also getting all of the students involved in working together.

School Fundraising can be a lot of fun when executed correctly, and doesn’t have to be a chore to pull off if you have a team of willing helpers to aid you in making the best event. But before you get started you will have to decide on exactly what type of fundraising event you are going to hold.

One particular event that you may like to go with is a healthy fundraiser. Healthy fundraising is becoming more and more popular in schools nowadays, since it promotes healthy eating for young students who may not know all of the facts about food. It can teach them the importance of eating fewer fatty- and carbohydrate-rich foods that are often found in school cafeterias, and also warn them of the dangers involved when people continue to eat an uneven diet.

You may even find that your healthy fundraising idea encourages the school itself to get on board and change the school’s lunch menu for the better. If you pull off a truly memorable event that everybody can be a part of and enjoy, then it is likely you will be making a big difference at your school for the better.

One way to raise money at your healthy fundraising event is by selling products. There are a range of different packages to suit your needs, whether you want to use brochures or fundraising scratch cards to make sales, or you just want the products themselves to sell in cases around the school.