Flower Bulb Fundraising Keeps Growing

For some the trend has been moving away from food fundraisers and more towards other products - especially earth friendly fundraising products. That's one of the reasons that Flower Bulb Fundraisers have virtually exploded in popularity.

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Profit and Costs:

Items Bought % Profit Free Shipping
150 plus 50% YES
1 to 149 50% No

How do Flower Bub Fundraisers work?

There are 2 different programs but both work the same. The only difference is one program is designed to plant in the spring and bloom in the fall and the other is the opposite. So you can sell flower bulbs in either the spring or the fall which are the top bulb planting seasons.

To start this fundraiser you simply tell us how many people will be selling and when you want to get started. We’ll send free marketing materials including brochures and order forms and members of your group accept orders from friends and family after showing the them the catalog.

How much does it cost to start?

The program costs absolutely nothing to start. There’s no risk. Just tell us how many people will be selling and we will send you marketing materials for each member of your group free of charge.

You literally spend nothing to get started.

How much money will I make?

You make 50% profit on every item you sell. That means that you keep half the retail price. In other words if something sells for $10 you will keep $5 as your profit. The retail price ranges from around $5 up to $24.

The only other cost is a possible shipping and handling fee of $65. But we waive that fee if you sell 150 or items.

Description of the flower bulbs

The program changes every season so we won’t list the specific types of bulbs here because they are subject to change. But every season the nursery chooses what it believe will be the 24 top selling options and we put those in the brochure you use to sell with. They keep track of the items that sell the best nationally and they keep dropping any underperforming items and adding newer items so the line is always fresh. In fact lots of groups choose to do this fundraiser annually.

How do I get started?

If you think this is the fundraiser for you just click on the button below and give us some basic information and we will send your materials so you can get started. You can also call us at the toll free number at the top of the page.