Brochure Fundraisers

Fast Adoption Fundraising Ideas

Posted on 22 April 2013

Planning to adopt a child is a big decision for a couple to make. The couple may already have children of their own who have their own set of needs, or they may be going into parenthood for the first time. Whatever your current situation is, your lives are going to change phenomenally once you […]

School Candle Fundraiser

Posted on 07 June 2012

If you’re looking for a school fundraiser you might consider narrowing your search down and look into holding a school candle fundraiser. Candles make so much sense. Pardon the pun. But they really do. Research shows that just about every house in the United States burns or at least owns candles. Doesn’t it make sense […]

50 Percent Profit Cookie Dough Fundraisers

Posted on 04 June 2012

One of the misconceptions about cookie dough fundraisers is how much profit your group can make. No matter how often a website talks about profit lots of people assume that their group will make 50% profit. So I thought it might be helpful to talk about profits and cookie dough fundraising. The fact is that […]

Are People Tired of Cookie Dough Fundraisers?

Posted on 10 February 2012

Are people really tired of cookie dough fundraisers? I ran across an article in Our Colorado News that highlights one group that says it is. Cookie dough fundraising sales, though, suggest that is not true. First let’s explore the Colorado group in the article. “With supplemental funds so essential to helping preps sports programs perform […]

Flower Power Fundraising

Posted on 16 January 2012

We’ve been asked about Flower Power Fundraising and decided to research the program and discuss our opinion. It is an interesting program that offers a good selection of products that offers 50% profit. They offer online stores or customer direct shipping. At first glance it looks like a very attractive program. “But as we researched […]

Choosing the Right Cookies for Fundraisers

Posted on 07 December 2011

You probably already know that cookies for fundraisers are a great idea to help your group do the things it wants to do. But these days, there are so many cookie dough fundraisers out there, it can be difficult to know where to begin looking for the right one for your group. A lot depends […]

Gift Wrap and Holiday Fundraisers

Posted on 03 October 2010

As we’re slowly approaching the holiday season, hands down the best fundraiser season after season are gift wrap fundraisers. Every family wraps gifts, and so every family needs to buy gift wrapping paper year after year. Combined with groups that are trying to sell gift wrap as fundraisers, there really is no reason why families […]