Would you like to share your expertise with thousands of other nonprofit leaders?  Publishing an article on Step by Step Fundraising will get your ideas out to the over 52,000 unique visitors that visit this site each month. Our readers represent a variety of causes including social service, animal welfare, environment, public and private education, and health related causes.

Suggested Topics

Overall, our readers want practical ideas and how-to information that they can act upon to improve their fundraising activities. It can be related to fundraising events, grants, relationship building, nonprofit marketing, cause specific interests or other nonprofit/fundraising topics.  Viewing the categories in the drop down menu above will give you more ideas for topics that will be relevant.

Articles that feature organizations that have been successful with a particular fundraiser are some of our most popular pages.  In addition to highlighting the success of the charity, it’s important that the article include concepts that readers can apply to their own work.

Here are some points to consider if you are writing an article that features a success story:

  • How much advance planning went into the fundraiser?
  • Were there upfront costs with this fundraiser? If so approximately how much and how did the group handle these expenses? (i.e. getting corporate sponsors to underwrite costs)
  • What got people excited about participating in this fundraiser? What grabbed their attention most?
  • What aspect of the fundraiser was most effective in raising funds and why?
  • What advice would you have for someone who wanted to organize a similar fundraiser?

Additional Guidelines

  • Articles should be of at least 400 words
  • There is no maximum word count.
  • We prefer articles that have not been published already on other websites.  Though we occasionally will make exceptions to that.
  • Always link back to source information if quotations are used.
  • You may include relevant links within the body of the article (within reason).
  • Please include a short “about the author” or bio and link to your website so that can be included on your author page.

Content that we do not accept

Topics that are outside the category of nonprofit work will not be accepted.  We do not reprint press releases. Sending articles with grammatical, spelling or factual errors reduces the likelihood that it will be published.

How to submit your article

Email us via the contact form and let us know what you’d like to write about and why you think it’s a good fit.  We’ll get back with you, usually within 48 hours, with a response.  If accepted you may send the article in Word format or in the body of the email.

Thanks for sharing your passion for fundraising for great causes!