Archive | September, 2011

Jump-Start Your Fundraising by Maureen Carruthers

Posted on 20 September 2011

Once again, I’d like to welcome back Maureen Carruthers (pictured at left).  Maureen is a non-profit consultant, and the force behind the excellent blog “Low Hanging Fruit Communication” which covers many topics including social media for non-profits. Maureen’s goal is to help nonprofit leaders reach their right people more quickly so their organizations have a greater […]

Past time to evaluate your new Executive Director? By Gayle Gifford

Posted on 19 September 2011

Here is another great article from Gayle Gifford for Step By Step Fundraising- (pictured at left). Gayle brings over 30 years of experience to her work with nonprofits – from her personal activism for peace, disarmament, environmental, human and civil rights, to her professional work as a consultant and former director of development and senior […]

Oh, The Places You’ll Go Writing Grants, by Betsy Baker

Posted on 14 September 2011

I am very happy to welcome back guest author Betsy Baker!  Besty is the President of She has earned more than ten million dollars in grant funding and continues to be a grant writing consultant for nonprofits. She is best known for her plain-language instructional guidance and offers both ebook instruction and one-on-one coaching in […]

The Oldest Trick in the Book

Posted on 10 September 2011

You gotta love the people in charge of fundraising for breast cancer research. They’ve been coming up with some great ideas to get people talking about the cause and wanting to raise money for it. Just think about all the sports teams you’ve seen in the past couple of years wearing pink versions of their […]

Raise More Money Selling Sponsorships, Not Tickets, by Amy Eisenstein

Posted on 08 September 2011

Greetings!  Today, I have another terrific guest article to share with you.  This time, author of 50 Asks in 50 Weeks and certified fundraising consultant Amy Eisenstein, (pictured at left) has been kind enough to share one of her recent blog posts with us. If you’ve never visited Amy’s site, TriPointFundraising, I highly suggest that you take a […]