Archive | January, 2007

Six Degrees – Get a Badge, Raise Some Funds

Posted on 19 January 2007

You’ve played the Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon… now you can be one degree away from the infamous actor or any number of other celebs. The new website launched today, as an initiative of Network for Good and Kevin Bacon himself. I heard about this via Katya who is associated with the project. […]

Recycle Printer Cartridges & Raise Funds

Posted on 16 January 2007

Don’t toss your used printer cartridges in the trash can! Recycle them instead and your group can earn a little cash back. It doesn’t take that much extra time. Instead of throwing them in the trash, just toss the cartridge in the recycle box provided by Funding Factory. Since computers and printers are so prevalent […]

13 Tips to Plan a Successful Retreat

Posted on 16 January 2007

“Everyone needs to feel that he or she makes a difference to the organization. It is what gives meaning to their involvement.” – Heidi Richards Retreats are great opportunities to review and assess current programs, align volunteers and move forward in the organization. They are one of the best ways to plan for the future […]

Change Coins into Fundraising Success

Posted on 06 January 2007

Reportedly, there are over $10 Billion US in coins currently gathering dust as spare change in piggy banks and old cookie tins in homes all across America. One great way for your fundraising group to get your hands on this money is through coin collection jars and banks located around the town where your group […]

Planning the Vision for Your Non Profit Organization

Posted on 02 January 2007

“Imagine that you’ve awakened after being asleep for ten years, what would you want your organization to look like?” Planning is essential (critical) to the success of any endeavor, whether it be a for-profit or a not-for-profit organization. That’s why so many organizations participate in planning retreats. For retreats to be successful there are key […]