Step By Step Fundraising Newsletter
May 2010
How to find new donors for your cause
On-demand video training boosts your success (respond by Friday)
Last week I asked what questions you had about corporate sponsors.
I've honestly been amazed by the positive reactions.
Several responses reached a broader topic than just corporate gifts.
In general, do you find new donors and get big donations?
How do you develop solid relationships so that they will want to
give? How much should you ask for? Excellent questions!
Now thanks to Christopher Davenport of Movie Mondays for Fundraising
we have some answers.
Last year he interviewed 17 fundraising professionals from all
types of nonprofits to see what was working for them. He took the
best parts of those interviews and put them on 3 DVDs called How
to Find and Cultivate Donors.
videos teach you how to:
Grow your donor base
Recognize potential donors
Get the first initial meeting with prospects
Conduct meetings and presentations
Overcome obstacles
Ask for an appropriate level gift
Establish and build trust with supporters
Find out what donors value
Deepen relationships for long term success
I'm partnering with Chris to offer Step by Step Fundraising readers
this DVD set. For a limited time you can pick up "How to Find and
Cultivate Donors" at half off the regular price. Plus, you
will get 3 bonus DVDs too.
That's 6 DVDs in all that you can use in to train board
members, committees, volunteers, staff members, and capital campaign
teams. The videos are broken down into small segments so it makes
it easy to show them during meetings, or just watch a few on your
own when you have time.
Hurry...This special price ends Friday, May 7th 2010.
If you're at all interested in getting more donors, then at least
check out how the DVDs will help you. How
to Find Donors - Special 3 DVD Set (plus 3 Bonuses)
To Your Continued Fundraising Success,