Step By Step Fundraising Newsletter
February 2010
In this issue -
Using Social Media to Market Your Fundraiser
Grants Available from Lowe's and Pepsi
2 Simple Ways to Increase Online Giving
How are your fundraising plans going for this year?
There are a variety of resources available on Step by Step
Fundraising to help. There are hundreds of free articles
related to fundraising and running your nonprofit.
Here are some links to the latest articles on the website:
Social Media to Market Your Fundraiser
by Sherry Truhlar - Blogs, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook can
be useful tools to help you publicize and gain attendees for fundraisers
such as benefit auctions. This article gives 12 ways to
market your fundraiser via social media.
by Sandra Sims - News on two grant programs available from Lowes
and Pepsi. Find out if you are eligible. Thousands of dollars
available for schools, nonprofits and businesses.
by Pamela Grow - One of the first rules of thumb in online fundraising
is to make it easy to give. These two simple ideas can increase
the results you are getting from your website.
If you need more in depth information about a fundraising strategy,
take a look at the books published by Step by Step Fundraising
or the others that I recommend, all
listed on this page.
To Your Continued Fundraising Success,