Step By Step Fundraising Newsletter
March 2009
In this issue -
Free e-course: Writing Fundraising Letters
Recent Fundraising Articles
Finding professionals to help with your nonprofit
letters sent through the mail are one of the most popular ways
to request donations.
You are simply writing a letter to potential supporters asking
them to join you in supporting a worthy charity. The only
costs are for paper and postage, so nearly all of the donation
goes directly to the cause.
Sounds simple, right?
But when you actually sit down to start writing a fundraising
letter you may realize that it's not as easy as it may have seemed.
How do you start the letter? How can you persuade the reader
to donate without being too pushy? What will make someone
take notice of your cause and want to give? Who should the
letter be mailed to?
We've created a free 10 day e-course that takes
you Step by Step through this process. In this course, you'll
learn the 7 steps to creating a winning fundraising letter campaign
plus get a sneak peek at the sample phrases and letters included
in the 7
Essential Steps to Raising Money by Mail guidebook.
Just register at this page below:
Recent Fundraising Articles
Here are a few fundraising articles that have been posted on
Step by Step Fundraising and our associated websites in the past
few weeks: recently awarded
grants to three deserving schools.
To Your Continued Fundraising Success,