Step By Step Fundraising Newsletter

January 2009

In this issue -

  Plan Your Fundraising Campaign With This Nine Step Guide (plus a great worksheet)

  The Value of a Simple Calendar


Are you ready for success in your nonprofit work this year? If you don't already have a plan in place for 2009 now is the time to do so. Meet with key decision makers and discuss your goals for the year and how you can reach them.

When planning your fundraising strategies keep in mind other activities in your organization and community. Realistically consider how long it will take to plan and execute each strategy.

Spitfire Strategies has made a free planning guide and worksheet available to Step by Step Fundraising members just for this purpose. Their worksheet is probably one of the most valuable tools you can arm yourself with to plan for success. Keep reading for more information...


Plan Your Fundraising Campaign With This Nine Step Guide

by Kristen Grimm, Spitfire Strategies

For some people, planning a campaign is less about following a process and more about following their instincts. Long-time campaigners believe they have a feel for the road. With each new campaign, they load the station wagon with all the gear that has served them well in the past - all the tools and the processes. They have a destination in mind, shift into autopilot, and the campaign strategy unfolds from reflex and memory. Experience has taught them well - they pack light and know all the shortcuts. Or do they?

For less experienced campaigners, the tendency is to overpack for fear they'll find themselves down the road lacking a key tactic or guide. They bring it all along for the ride. Then, they often hit every attraction and marker along the way, even when it pulls them off track from their true destination - if they were even clear about their destination when they started. > Keep Reading (and get the free planning guide & worksheet)

> Keep Reading (and get the free planning guide & worksheet)


The Value of a Simple Calendar

How about getting a wall calendar and writing in all of your organization's important dates? This way everyone in your office will have a visual reminder of what is coming up. Include all of the major events, fundraisers, and program related activities on the year long calendar.

When you see it every day you are constantly reminded of your goals, plans and when they will take place! Remember, saving the dates AND blocking out the planning time now will give you a jump start toward success.

> Get Links to additional resources and tips. Then share a little about your plans in the comments box on this page.


To Your Continued Fundraising Success,

Sandra Sims
Editor & Publisher
Step By Step Fundraising

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