Step By Step Fundraising Newsletter

March 2008

In this issue -

What Have You Given Donors Lately?

Talk Back - Submit your opinions and questions

- Special Offers - Free Audiobook, Free Target Gift Cards


This month Step by Step Fundraising features several articles about communicating with your supporters. Maintaining good relationships with your audience is key to long term success.

(Plus we have several great freebies, contests and bonus offers too. Read on for more information...)


What Have You Given Donors Lately?

by Sandra Sims

The question is simple, what have you given in return to those who make financial donations to your organization? No, I don't mean little chotchkies, pens or mailing labels. Maybe it sounds backwards even, "they are supposed to give to us!" But giving, as in any relationship, is a two way street. Here are three things that every non profit organization should be giving back to its supporters:

1. Education

Most of the people who give to your group do so because they have an interest in your mission and activities. One of the greatest benefits that you can offer is to help educate them further about your cause.

Arts organizations seem to do this naturally. Information about performers and musical selections are included in the evening's program. Art museums often publish books related to artists and exhibitions.

Any non profit can provide further education and it doesn't have to cost any extra. You are likely already producing newsletters and a website so include information in these publications that inform readers about the cause. There are several suggestions in the article 27 Story Ideas for Your Non Profit’s Newsletter that will serve this purpose.

You could also sponsor lunchtime seminars, breakfast networking meetings or panel discussions with experts on a particular issue. Partner with similar organizations in your area for an even greater impact.

2. Resources

Donors give because it's something they feel they can do to help a cause they care about. Some of your supporters will want to go a step further and would appreciate any other resources that you provide. World Vision Advent Booklet

Last fall along with the usual donation request letter, World Vision sent me a simple Christmas theme devotional booklet. It included short passages written by their field personnel worldwide, along with scriptures and drawings by children. I really enjoyed reading it and seeing all the different countries represented. It was a nice touch and a practical gift at Christmastime.

If you primarily serve a local audience provide information about upcoming events and "best kept secret" resources that would be of interest to your audience. For example, a school newsletter could provide a list of possible after school educational opportunities for kids. Or how about something as simple as a recipe or game for family time?

3. Success

The best thing you can give your audience is successful outcome on your mission. Keep your mission and vision forefront in your mind and in your daily activities.

Communicating your success is key to making sure donors feel that their contributions have been worthwhile. Let your supporters know when you reach milestones through updates in your newsletters and in special mailings. Publicize your accomplishments to the community at large with press releases and media attention.

Everyone likes to be on the "winning team." Donors will be more likely to continue supporting you when they know you make good on your promises.

What do you think? Post a comment on this article.


Talk Back

Feel like getting on your soap box?  Most of the articles on our website have a form where the comments you enter will be displayed publicly. Here are a few other places where you can let your opinions, suggestions or questions be known:

Charity athletic events - Would you like to plan a walk-a-thon, bowling tournament or other athletic fundraiser?  Let us know and you could win a free copy of one of our ebooks. Plus one lucky entry will win a $100 donation to their charity of choice. Enter the survey now

Here's two hot topics from Jim Berigan of Top School Fundraisers worth a read and may inspire you to leave a comment:

Big money - What charity wouldn't love a $1 million donation each and every year from a 'generous benefactor.' Is this the real deal or a heartbreaking hoax? Read about this horror story

Asking a charity for charity - Even while schools struggle to fund their own needs, charities are hitting them up for money. What do you think? Read the article and post a comment

Special Offers

This month I have several great bonus offers from two of our partners. These are special deals that you can only get from Step by Step Fundraising and are on a limited time basis so check them out...

Sandy Rees shares the best tips from her years of fundraising experience in the new book Fundraising Buffet. It has many fundraising and donor development tips that you can put into practice right away.

Now she is offering two great bonuses only for Step by Step Fundraising readers.

First, you can download a free chapter of this ebook right now by going to this special page. The sample chapter gives you a taste of what you can expect in the rest of this manual.

Second, when you purchase a copy of Fundraising Buffet you'll get a free audio recording of her one hour teleseminar "Fundraising on a Shoestring."


Are you looking for a sales fundraiser for spring? Our partner, eFundraising, is giving a special bonus - up to $50 in Free Target Gift Cards when you participate in one of their fundraisers. Use your gift card as a gift for your best fundraiser, to buy prizes, to buy office supplies or whatever you want to use it for.

Call 1-866-450-5794 and ask about the special Target Gift Card bonus. This bonus is only available until March 31 so call now to get in on it.


Thanks to my friends Sandy Rees and Melissa (from eFundraising) for giving us these great special offers. Now with all of these great tips and fundraising incentives we have no excuse not to get the funds raises that we need for our groups right?


To Your Continued Fundraising Success,

Sandra Sims
Editor & Publisher
Step By Step Fundraising

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