Step By Step Fundraising Newsletter
July 2008
In this issue -
- Article Series - Golf Event Fundraisers
- New Website Look & Your Comments
Have you ever held a golf outing to raise funds for your cause?
This is a fundraising vehicle that has been around for many years.
While it is still a good way to raise funds many charities are finding
that they need to "update" this event.
Maybe you could call it "Charity Golf 2.0" - golf outings
that incorporate technology (such as online auctions), offer something
for the non-golfers, more ways for participants to win prizes (and
for you to raise funds) and are more efficiently run.
Stay tuned this month as Jim Berigan brings us a series of articles
about golf outings. This series will be published every Wednesday
during the month of July. The first article in this series is featured
Three Important Steps to Planning a Charity Golf Outing
by Jim Berigan
of the most common non-profit fundraisers is the golf outing. The
main reason why this method has become so popular is that it combines
the benefits of having fun, getting exercise, and raising lots of
money for the organization.
There are many “moving parts” that you have to consider when you
plan your own golf outing. If you get any one of these parts out
of order, or if you skip one all together, you will be missing huge
opportunities to have a top-notch fundraising event.
> Keep
New Website Design - What do you think?
we here at Step by Step Fundraising have been finishing up the new
design for this site. You may notice that the logo and our color
scheme is basically the same. The goal behind this change is to
make it easier for you to find the information you are looking for.
We’ve changed the horizontal navigation at the top and added a few
I would like to thank our designers Adii and Magnus for their great
design work and kind assistance. A special thanks also goes to Tracie
who is still working on some of the tweaks.
So what do you think? If you have a moment, visit the site and
see what you think. Please let us know of any suggestions, questions,
or (gasp) errors. Leave
a comment or for a private reply you can use our contact
Thank you!
To Your Continued Fundraising Success,