Step By Step Fundraising Newsletter
August 2008
In this issue -
- List of FREE Grant Resources to Help Any Cause
- $5000 Grant for Your Child's School
- School Fundraising Newsletter
It's fundraising time again... are you ready? No matter what type
of group you are with, the last half of the year can be the busiest.
This is the time for your end of year donation campaigns, classes
or activities and it can be a mad rush to the finish line of December
This year Step by Step Fundraising has several programs coming
up to help you with your year-end fundraising. This week I posted
a list of 20 free resources to help you with year end grant applications
(see below). But the big announcement is a grant program actually
sponsored by our school focused site, Top School Fundraisers. We'll
also be hosting several other programs for other charities in the
next few months, so stay tuned!
20 Free Grant Writing Resources for Non-Profits
by Sandra Sims
started out just looking for a basic grant writing 101 guide and
was surprised to find so many resources available for free, even
classes and full text books.
Even if you eventually hire a consultant or purchase training material,
these resources will provide a good introduction to the basic terminology
and concepts of grant funding. I’m sure there’s plenty of tips for
experienced grant seekers too!
> Click
here for all 20 free grant writing resources
$5000 School Grant Opportunity
by Jim Berigan, Managing Editor
Top School Fundraisers
Greetings from Top School
Fundraisers! We are the sister-website to Step By Step Fundraising,
and we focus our specific attention on helping K-12 schools raise
lots of money. We are very pleased to announce a landmark event
in the life of our community. For the first time, not only are we
informing you about fundraisers, we are also offering one ourselves.
We will be accepting applications for grants that could total up
to as much as $5,000!
Schools that have exciting projects to enhance the quality of the
educational experience are enthusiastically encouraged to apply.
Details about the grant will be announced in the inaugural issue
of the Top School Fundraising e-mail Newsletter. Sign up below to
be first to find out about this amazing opportunity.
As a former elementary school principal, I know how valuable these
kind of opportunities are. Every penny is precious! Please take
advantage of this Top School Fundraiser celebration and sign up
for our school newsletter now.
Thank you! Jim Berigan
Best wishes on all your year-end fundraising efforts. As always,
if you have any questions or suggestions to share with other groups
feel free to contact
To Your Continued Fundraising Success,