June 2005
In this issue -
- How Do I Motivate People to Donate?
- Online Edition of this Newsletter!
- Newsletter Archives
Have you noticed the growing number of non profit organizations that
ask for our time and attention? Registered charities and worthy causes
now serve an expanding diversity of needs. Many times new organizations
are formed to focus on a specific need, or serve a population in a very
specific way. Such groups are often very effective in doing so.
As a society and global community we’re learning and practicing the
virtue of giving. More work is being done to make this world a better
place, and that’s something to be excited about!
However, this growth causes more competition for funding for individual
organizations. There are now so many worthy causes that the public and
corporations can contribute to. How do they decide which organization
to donate to? How do non profits respond to this challenge?
Marc Pitman, an experienced professional fundraiser for schools, hospitals
and other non profit organizations, believes the answer to many of these
questions lies in building stronger relationships with donors. In other
words, put people first, and the money will follow!
I’ll be interviewing Marc later this week about how to motivate people
to get involved, to donate and to become life long supporters.
This interview will be available as a free audio download, or you can
listen in streaming audio right on the website.
I’ll send out a special email alert when the interview is ready, so
be watching your inbox in the next week or so!
Online Edition of this Newsletter!
One of the questions that was recently asked during the website survey
was, do you prefer HTML or plain text email newsletters? Interestingly
the response was 31% (77 responses) wanted HTML, 16% (41 responses)
plain text, and the rest of the participants (134 responses) didn’t
care one way or the other! So for now I will continue to send out this
newsletter in plain text only.
For those who prefer the visuals of a formatted newsletter, you can
now read each issue online. You may have noticed a link at the top of
this email after “Read this newsletter online.” Simply click the link,
and it will take you to the HTML formatted version of this e-zine.
Newsletter Archives
In addition to reading the current issue online, you can now see all
back issues of the monthly newsletters, from February 2004 to Present.
the Newsletter Archives
Until next time, best wishes on all your fundraising endeavors!
To Your Continued Fundraising Success,